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Mutant MT1202R Manual
The Paradigm Subwoofer Control App uses a Bluetooth connection to simplify setup and configuration of compatible MartinLogan subwoofers. App based controls include volume level, low-pass filter frequency and order , phase, deep bass level, three preset listening modes, and control of Anthem Room Correction. A unique tone sweep feature assists users in locating areas in listening rooms where troublesome rattles or resonances may occur.
Автомобильный басовый усилитель Пульт дистанционного управления Вязание стерео
To mount the ZXRC remote bass level control, simply screw the metal bracket to the chosen location, then slide the housing onto the bracket until it snaps into place. All rights reserved. Техническая поддержка. Руководства пользователя Скачать.
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Bass Manager (Управление низкими частотами)
Your Cart. Наличие: Есть. В закладки В сравнение. The unique Character control moves seamlessly between decades of different voicings. It alters the entire sonic structure of the sound to achieve some of the most distinctive bass amp tones on the planet.